Who remember the days of being awaken at 7am on Saturday mornings to Luther Vandross blasting from the speakers and your mom busting in your room with a broom and mop in hand?? Saturday mornings were dsignated to cleaning the ENTIRE house before you even thought of going outside to play.
For years into adulthood, I followed that same recipe until I realized that I was wasting my Saturdays with tasks that I can easily knock out during the week. When I could be out enjoying my day or sleeping in and catching up on SVU, I was spending hours CLEANING!
Like so many others, I am blessed to have a job that allows me to work from home. As a result, I take advantage of that time either during slow work days, before work (I’m an early riser), or immediately after I log out, to set aside 30-45 minutes to do small chores per day. This has helped me actually complete all of my cleaning, and given me back my weekends!

I’m not a stickler to the tasks or the days. There are some days where I do nothing and just make up for it another day, or week, for that matter. One thing I am a stickler about is listening to my body. If I’m tired, either mentally or physically, I honor that. However, I always pick up after myself and the dog.
It’s also to be noted (and not listed on the schedule above), that I clean base boards, wash rugs, shampoo the carpet and sofa once a month when Winnie is at the groomer. I also wash her blankets and toys during that time.
I’m not one who requires high priced top of the line vacuums or mops. I’m okay with the tools that just get the job done, but I do have a few items that I always keep in stock and in heavy rotation. I also like the clean household cleaning items from Grove.

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Cleaning can take up a LOT of our time, especially when kids and dogs are involved. If you are unable to pay for a housekeeper or you prefer to clean yourself, I strongly encourage you to create a schedule and get the kids involved if you have to. This is a great tool to teach them time management at an early age. I have noticed that although, I feel like I’m constantly cleaning up, because I am :), I’ve gotten back a lot of my time. I love waking up on Saturday mornings when I want to, or when Winnie says it’s time, having a cup of coffee, and sitting on the couch to enjoy the morning.
Let me know if you will incorporate a cleaning schedule into your house management.