January didn’t start off that great in regards to my 2025 book goal, but I did more than make up for it in February. This month’s reads were sooooo good! I would recommend each of the books listed over and over again. Although I have yet to create my reads for March, I’m excited about what the month will bring. Have you read any of the books listed? Do you plan to add any of them to your to be read list? Let me know! Happy Reading!Starr
The halftime show at Superbowl 59 featuring Kendrick Lamar has sparked a lot of emotions by the masses. Some racist. Well, many racist. Some ignorant. Some just unaware. However, I do love that the show has sparked healthy discourse as great art does. Kendrick Lamar is an artist, a Pulitzer Prize winning artist might I add, and everything he does is intentional and thought provoking. Did you know that in most, if not all, of Kenny’s works he makes reference to great literary works? I’ve picked up on a few references, but not all so I was glad when the…
It’s a new year which means new book goals. January has been a nightmare so I think it’s safe to say that the new year didn’t officially start until February 1st. To be honest, I wouldn’t want to start a new year any other way than the beginning of Black History Month. The best of many things about Black authors is the lived ability to tell Black stories. Stories I can relate to. If you are a book worm or you want to become one, then I have a few book recommendations for you by Black authors. Fiction: Homegoing by…
Twenty four books read is my 2024 reading challenge goal. In 2022, I read 17 books, surpassing my goal of 12. In 2023, I didn’t come close to my goal of 24 total read books, at only 13. Last month, I decided to push myself and be very intentional on not only hitting my goal of 24 books, but beating the goal by adding one additional book per month! That’s a lot of math, I know, but the point is, I’m hoping to beat my goal, and if I continue on this path, I will definitely do that! I’m still…